2009年11月22日 星期日

Original Soundtrack: A very touching moment --Cape no. 7

Cape no.7 is a Taiwa movie in 2008, and its song also become very famous. Cape no.7 is about music, dream and love, so the music is so important in the movie.

Cape no.7 was not a comedy, but It did have some funny elements in its movie album. Some of the songs also include the dialogues from the movie, like the beginning of track 2 "Don't wanna". But this album is not only funny, it is also touching, just like the movie.

The original soundtrack is consised of 7 letters and 8 songs. A song will follow a letter which is read by Japanese. The arrangement of the original soundtrack is same with the movie, which is to link with the songs. It makes the album prefectly match to the movie. When I listen to this album, the scene of the movie will jump up to my mind.

Special recommendation

Where did you go -
The song is singing by the aborigine. Funny thing is the harmony. They use the electric guitar and a nature vocal to finish this song, however, the song also sound unity.

A letter from my dad -
The melody is written by the daughter, who named Ciacia, and the lyric is written by her dad. This is a Japanese song, we may not really understand what is it about. But the simple harmony and the lovely vocal, which make me feel very warm.

Wu Le Bu Zuo -
This song is the main point of the film. It lead the theme of whole movie, can the band be successful? In the end of the movie, the band use this song to rock the audience. This is a song which can make you feel passion. This song can give you a picture about summer, a very crowdy beach, a blue sea and a bright sun jump up to my mind.

Here is the song list of the original soundtrack:

01. Letter one
02. Don't Wanna
03. Letter two
04. Love you to death
05. Letter three
06. Where did you go
07. Letter four
08. A letter from my dad
09. Letter five
10. Wu Le Bu Zuo
11. Letter six
12. South of the borden
13. Wild Rose
14. Letter seven/ Love letter
15. 1945

The package of the Cape no.7 Original Soundtrack


